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The "official" America Revolution was "framed," as are our daily lives are psychologically framed The Fathers of the US, also called the "framers of the Constitution,"
used didactic framing to build US capital from colonial capital.� What
we got was a new version of the same old thing: exploitation of the
people by the elite.� Didactic framing usually refers to the style of
teaching where teachers force information down the students' throats,
but technically it is the cognitive approach, which says that you need
to be taught what to think, and if you are not, you are insane.� Added
to that in education and psychology is the behavioral approach that is
simply sadistic conditioning.
Originally we lived in close collaboration with each other and with nature The option, or perhaps the
original human condition to which the above sickness is the option, is
the natural collaborative system that nature provided for us through
evolution.� This is generally called constructivism in education, and
humanism in psychology, but really is the way we do everyday things
when things are going the way they should be.
Genuine revolutions are about restoring the native, and America's was no exception The true American
revolutionaries were a combination of Europeans and Natives who worked
to integrate Native "law" into a document called the Bill of Rights,
which has been the template for all rights documents since it was
written several centuries ago.� Europeans unquestionably came to the
New World to capitally exploit it, capital colonial exploitation was
nothing new, it was perfected by the Romans before Christ's time.� But
many Europeans came to the New World for the types of freedom that can
only be called Tribal and Native: they were European Natives struggling
against European, or perhaps extended Roman, capital.
Europeans who had been torn from their native environments "nativized" in America, bonding with the local natives Many
Europeans "nativized" easily, because, as it happens, and native
anywhere is a native everywhere--Nativism means a collaborative
connection to the Earth.� Edward Curtis, the photographer, is such an
excellent example -- his rendition of the Natives are unquestionably an
example of founding abstract art.
The American Revolution quickly sold out to colonial capitalThe
US was nearly purely corrupt after the original American
Revolution--much worse than the English colonial government.� One of
the main problems was the US government's lack of willingness to pay
the revolutionary soldiers, and also its continuation of the use of
debtors' prisons: shades of the situation we face right now.
Shay's and the Whiskey Rebellions set things straight Two
rebellions set that straight, and forced the creation of the
Constitution, and with it the Bill of Rights.� The "Whiskey" Rebellion
is the better known (but poorly named), but the more important was
Shay's rebellion that focused primarily on corruption in the courts and
the debtors' prison situation.� It was Shay's rebellion that forced the
creation of the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights -- two documents
nearly completely ignored today in the land they were "framed."
rebels, as well as other important American revolutionaries continued
the struggle against capital corruption, and did so very near to where
I sit right now, NW Connecticut.� Most eventually went to Vermont to
form the University of Vermont (well-educated rebels!), and none were
punished.� This consolidation of Nativism between the displaced natives
of Europe and the natives of the New World, has defined the necessary
path for humanity very well.� Since then the consolidation has included
Natives from Australia and the Pacific, and will soon include the
Natives of Peru struggling against capital exploitation there.
Connecting with America today, and fixing its economy the old-fashioned way After
the extended US technology and manufacturing crash of 2000, I became a
long haul truck driver, a job which brought me into direct contact with
the entire US simultaneously.� I created documentation suggesting a new
direction for America that I "framed" within the ideals of Shay's
Whiskey rebellions, that utilizes mildly but steadily increasing taxes
to limit the kinds of damages that capital does to the economy and the
environment.� It limits law to a few specific items, like Christ's
reduction of the Jews' 800 laws to the few laws of Christianity
centering on love and forgiveness.� It incorporates an exponential
curve to bring the majority of taxation to where capital does the most
damage and wastes the most -- at the very top.� Because of the "trickle
down theory," at least 90% of American wealth resides the hands of the
top 10%, and across the world the ration is more like 99% and 1%.
Exponential Curve: Visualizing simple math that is useful for creating taxation that only helps and does not hurt To
visualize the use of an exponential curve, think of the right half of a
huge suspension bridge viewed from the side.� Near the beginning of the
curve (or the middle of the bridge), the curve is nearly flat, and it
stays flat for nearly the entire expanse, and only becomes steep at the
very end.� The vast, vast majority of us are in the flat end of the
curve, and using the curve, would pay nearly no taxes.� Only towards
the end where the curve slopes upward would there be significant
taxation, and please trust me when I tell you that the people that
would be affected at this end of the curve are so rich that they would
not physically feel taxation.� In fact, this benign form of taxation
would only deflate the most inflated prices -- expensive real estate
and high-end luxury items.
John Wesley promoted much the same ideas, so "radical thrift" is neither new nor radical As it happens, I recently learned
that this concept is neither new nor revolutionary -- it is nearly
economics as the great Christian Wesley promoted them; Wesley founded
the very influential Methodist Church, and in a word, Wesley promoted
The "trickle down theory must go" -- Obama promised! Obama promised to end the ruinous "trickle down"
theory that is destroying America's and the World's economies.� This
plan, sometimes called "taxing bads, not goods" would instantly end
it.� Below is the plan as I envisioned it as a trucker, so you know it
is down to earth.� There are other topics surrounding this kind of plan
that explain how de-tuning capital actually increases real wealth by
reducing the waste of the over-production of capital construction, but
what we need to do here to properly implement democracy into economics
is to keep it simple, as Christ did with his formation of the morals of
Christianity.� I called this document the "Rattlesnake" after the
original American revolutionary battle flag.
Fundamental America Revolution From
living around here I became aware of Shay's Rebellion from a small
monument on a short cut to Rt 22 from Rt 7 in Egermont, MA.� I
researched what is inscribed in it, which is a very rough-hewn rock
always with two fresh American flags, and found that Shay's Rebellion
forced the new country to straighten out its act in its early years.�
It led to the formation of the Constitution and most importantly, the
Bill of Rights.� The Bill of Rights is the template for all rights
documents in the world; the UN Charter is simply and updated version of
the Bill of Rights.
Very few people are
aware of Shay's Rebellion, though many are aware of the parallel
Whiskey Rebellion, though probably only because of its alcoholic name.�
The reason so few know about Shay's Rebellion is that it had been
decided by experts who tell lawmakers what is "best" for the nation,
that this important history would be better buried, and that children
would be taught that George Washington conceived a perfect nation at
the outset.
Rebellion and deliberate misconception: Framing This process is called
didactic framing; American Education by Joel Spring describes the
process well, but not Shay's Rebellion.� In light of this, I think that
the exact wording in the pledge of allegiance seems symbolic, and even
the flag itself.�
What is more
important, I believe, is the meaning of our lives in this nation, and
how our culture has evolved and in particular how American people
consistently settle into a native mode despite the best efforts of the
structure that controls what we know through didactic framing.
Ultimately the didactic framing system has allowed the US first ranking in 2000 to less than 10th ranking in 2008.� School children in America are deprived of what school children around the world take for granted: an information technology education. The growth economy is unsustainable without continual massive environmental destruction We are
all aware that we are headed into an inevitable slide because of unsustainability of continual growth, but we
are approaching it as if we are unaware that we have been in one since
March, 2000.� From then until now America has been kept afloat with the
savings of American families.� But as we can see from the "credit
crisis" the American people are heavily in debt, and I am sure that
most people are aware that the US is heavily in debt to the nation of
China.� We are probably equally in debt to India for the technology
services we have given to them, but the US government has hidden data
on the amounts of money shipped for services, rather than goods.
Growth lowers average wages According to economic measurements, the economy expands; politicians and economists promise that with a further expanding economy, wages will increase.� But that is not so.� Average wages have steadily declined in the US as the economy has "grown."� It grows in size, and those at the top of the economic pyramid see increasing wages, possibly by virtue of their location at the apex of ever increasing height.� As the economic pyramid grows, the bottom becomes much wider; there are many more workers at the lowest levels, perhaps fighting harder for what trickles down.� Capitalists seek increased population as part of the growth without which it Capital cannot survive.� If local mothers will not have enough children to support capital growth, then humans will be imported to satisfy growth: cheaper human resources.�
The "ratcheting downwards" effect of of boom and bust With each cycle of the free economy from boom to bust to boom again, the economic structure grows, but wages decline: the individual, his family, and his community loses.� When the economy cycles downwards, obviously so do wages, and when the economy comes off the bottom, the worker can only be excited to see his income rise with the economy, but his wages are never resorted.� Each cycle presents a significant percentage loss for local workers, and over a few cycles, perhaps two or three decades, wages may decline by half when adjusted for inflation, which can be considerable.�
Jodi Rell, Governor of Connecticut, shows how "ratcheting downwards" works When organized labor came to Jodi Rell offering concessions across industry to help stimulate the Connecticut economy, a purely capital state that had been in recession twice as long as the rest of the nation, she responded to their generosity by demanding that labor give up its right to collective bargaining.� She attempted to use this latest recession to actual lower labor as close to slavery as possible.� This recession was caused by a housing bubble that was linked to lending fraud and near-slavery imported labor practices, and among attempts to revive the economy include "stimulation" for the very thing that collapsed it: sub-division housing construction.
Connecting with the nation While
I was a trucker I thought about this economic quandary, and compared
our present problems to the problems the US suffered as a colonial
country.� I also became aware that Bill of Rights was directly adapted
from Native law, and for that to happen, there had to be a strong
connection between the Natives and the early American "thinkers."�
After reading Petr Kropotkin's Mutual Aid, I began to feel that many
settlers came to America to escape the abuses of the European royalty,
and to join with the Natives in a natural life.� Possibly many
communities and families had retained historical native concepts
despite the best efforts of religious and capitalistic forces to erase
This and related documents about fundamental change With those ideas I created a
document, which I believe will solve all the problems by altering the
meaning of taxes; I call it the "gentle curve" because it will hurt no
one, and will give to America "social security."� To me, the early American war banner
represents a relationship with the native land, and especially the First Nations that undoubtedly
contributed the natural principles that made the Bill of Rights the first effective rights
document, and the template for all succeeding rights documents especially the United Nations Charter.
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